
Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marshland press-inquiry

Our inquiry this term was on the power of Media, we have been learning about radio, the press, online media and T.V. it has been very fun and I was lucky enough to be a reporter in the press, above this is the work I have done, it was how seniors should be allowed to wear caps instead of bucket hats. (which we should because we are the best).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Over Population essay work

Throughout some of the weeks, we have been making a debate/essay on any topic we want, I chose overpopulation because I reckon that it will affect all of us in some way and maybe even fully happen if it does society won't exist people will starve.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Volume and capacity work 2

Volume and capacity work

Our challenge in maths was to make a net that could hold 500ML of water and we successfully did exactly that.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Thursday debate

On Thursday we had a debate on whether cell phones should or shouldn’t be in school for learning purposes.

Reflecting on this, here are some positives on the debate. 1) Some members spoke with a confident voice.

The negatives were that 1) Other speakers lacked confidence 2) Some speakers were interrupted by other speakers 3) We need to get the argument in speech form 4) Order of the speech in the actual debate.

I reckon that phones shouldn't be banned, because they are faster than laptops in many ways but have fewer compatibility than laptops, but have been proven to be the faster option with the fact that they have data (most of them not all) so that you can be anywhere and still be able to learn, and are able to connect to things faster.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tessellation shapes in art

This week we have been learning about tessellations and how they work we found out that in our daily lives we are always looking at tessellations. tessellations are patterns that repeat them self over and over to form a beautiful artwork. up above u can see my artwork of a tesselation.